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Monday 11 October 2010

I don't like to sleep alone

So there I was sleeping peacefully (probably might have even been drifting in and out of dreams) when suddenly... BAM! UGHHHH..some deadweight landed on me and I couldn’t breathe.
Turns out Mi Amor turned onto his side and must have mistaken me for a pillow in the dark (coz I sure as hell was treated like one!) Remember when you were a kid (unless you’re still doing it now) and you used to wrap your leg tightly around your pillow/bolster? Yeah? Now substitute it with me and you get the idea of how uncomfortable I was. Though I would like to think subconsciously it’s because he finds me warm and comforting, I’m pretty much sure it’s because I’m the same size and fluffiness as our pillows :P
Anyway after a good 10 minutes of me struggling to gain my breathing back and wondering if I should shove him off the bed, I realized I’ve only got 2 weeks left before he leaves for Vevey!! Then I started doing a mental checklist of all the things that we have not done yet in preparation for him to move to Vevey. The list was so long it exhausted me mentally. I know I should have gotten a pen and paper and write these things down but 2 things were holding me back. One, I couldn’t move (yes, he was still hugging me in a deathlike grip with his legs) and two, I couldn’t be arsed to get out of bed to do it). So I was just hoping that I would still remember all these things the next day when I’m in the office so that I can type out a list.
Then I started imagining how it would feel like to have the bed all to myself once Mi Amor’s gone. I have to admit at first I got a lil’ excited. After all, the big bed and all the 4 pillows will be MINE, MINE, MINE!!! (*cue evil laughter*) and no more waking up cold in the middle of the night because “someone” hogged most of the duvet. Most importantly, no more fearing for my life that I might be accidentally suffocated in my sleep!
Now normally if the pro list outweighs the con, it should be a dead winner right? But for all the pros I could list about sleeping alone (which trust me, are many in my list), they just weren’t enough to outweigh the one and only (and literally heaviest) con of all...Mi Amor(and how much I love having him around). Sighhhhhhhh.......
That’s when I decided against shoving him away and stayed in the awkward position I was in while praying that Mi Amor doesn’t go for a second attempt at suffocating me. Oh well, even if that were to happen, I suppose there are worse ways to go. After all, isn’t it suppose to be romantic to die in the arms (or in my case between the legs) of a loved one?
Gonna miss him.

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