YoWindow - Living Weather

Tuesday 12 October 2010

For my future nephew

I found the perfect gift for my future nephew! Ok, so I’m not 100% sure if it’s gonna be a boy but I keep saying to my sis I think it is, so now I’m just waiting patiently for a few months to find out if my female intuition is correct (and if it is, that’ll give me bragging rights for years to come). In the meantime, I might consider buying this for him (fine, if it turns out to be a girl, it’s a good thing this thing is unisex):

Baby Koko would prolly look cute in this costume (if he takes after his mom!)

If you’re wondering why this is the perfect gift, it’s kinda like an inside joke (who cares if I’m the only one who finds it funny). My sis thinks her hubby looks like a koala and when they were dating, he would come over our house EVERYDAY (I kid you not!) to the extent that when I come home from work, his face would be the first I see (mostly because he would be opening the door for me). It didn’t help that he took up space on my favourite couch and ate most of my food. I used to complain that it kinda felt like we had an extra pet to take care of (a koala in this case).
And to think soon I’ll be a baby koala’s aunty! Hmmmm.....maybe I should ask the shop if they give discounts for buying more. After all, my sis did say that she wanted 7 (or was it 10?) lil’ koalas.


  1. It was seven. OMG the outfit is perfect, but the feet claws kinda creep me out...

  2. But the baby can only wear this outfit in an air conditioned place, a bit panas for our weather kan? hehe

  3. trust my instinct too! i think its a boy!!! :) lil Ayden Hood. Mama Bi is going to wallapp youuu! -Abi

  4. Mama Bi?!?
    That sounds so ghetto,yo!
    Quick, hide your children from Mama Bi!:D


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